Thursday, December 10, 2009

Take a deep breath.. now rant.

My little monsters. I have some rants for you.

Now to ranting. Be aware, here are what I am ranting about- so you know if you are going to want to read it.;
1. Haters.
2. Twilight Stereo-types.
3. School.

1. Haters.
Okay, when there is a fandom- there is always haters. When there is a celebrity, always going to be haters. NO MATTER WHAT there is going to be haters. Its one thing if you don't like something, or even hate it- doesn't matter, but when you go around boasting about how much you hate something, it doesn't make you look MATURE. I think if it is a political issue, or something that actually effects your life directly, then say something. And its another thing to state your opinion, I cannot tell you not to, but some people take it TOO FAR! Okay? Half of deviant art is stamps. Half of the stamps are broadcasting hate. What has this world come to? Must you go around posting how much you hate something? I really do not care if you have the same interests as me, but do you really need to post hate things all the fucking time? I mean come on! It bothers me even more, when in the description, the person says something along the lines of "I'm mature because I hate this." Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Posting hate stuff, does not make you mature- it makes you the opposite. Mature people would say "Okay, people like it, I hate it." Then move on with your life. Because if you hate it so much, why would you want anything to do with it, hating material or not? Two specific people bother me so much, because they say they are very mature because they don't like alot of mainstream stuff and are all 'hardcore' because they don't like something. One girl, has an anti-disney channel album, which proves she isn't mature and has no life. She spends her time finding pictures and picking them apart, which in her fucking retard mind makes her mature. Then this other girl. She has a stamp or icon or something, that says "Just because you say you're mature, doesn't mean you are." Then claims shes mature, then you look in her gallery- and its half anti-something. Wow, really? That doesn't make you mature because you like Tokio Hotel and don't like Twilight. My god.

Moving on.

2. Twilight Stereo-types.
YES! A lot of fans are over obsessed, in love with characters and shove twilight down everyone's throat. I love Twilight. I am obsessed, but no I am not obsessed with the characters, and in love with them. No I do not buy things just because they say Twilight on it. Twi-hards, also referred as Fan-tards. Every fandom has them. This fandom, has a lot of haters, so twi-hards get picked apart. Being an overly-obsessive fan doesn't make them a bad person, they just need a little bit of a reality check. I am considered a fan tard by many people, because I am a fan. I have a twilight bag- for school, but I got it on sale, and I needed a new bag. Boohoo. I have many friends that don't like it, but do I care? NO. I think some haters, and twi-hards need to just realize something. It's a book. If your not a fan, it doesn't effect you. If your a twi-hard, its a book and you can be obsessed all you want but you need to know that it isn't real, and the characters aren't real and that you just need to not shove it down everyone's throat, because there are other things you can talk about. I'm a fan tard over many things but I still don't shove it down peoples throat. I am very obsessed with Twilight, and this was not mean against twilight, or its fans. Just the stereo-types that come along with liking twilight.

Moving On.

3. School.


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