Monday, March 30, 2009


Hey all, This is my post today but I thought since my name is Kitteh, I should show you some pics and descriptions of my Kittehs~


Alyss eLane Pike
White, Orange, and Black
Long Haired Calico Cat
Sassy, Hot-tempered, loves to lay on people..

Midget Chibiusa Pike
Black and a little white
Short Hair
Nice, loving, sometimes evil, loves to lay with me.

CeCe [middlename-willupdate] Pike
Grey and white striped
Medium long hair
Friendly, Loving, Scared easily, loves to jump on my sailor moon shelf >.<

So these are mah kittehs, and I will post an update for my doggies!

-Kitteh Kou


I finished the poster and it came out super good!

I will post pics soon!

It was reallyyyy sparkley! w00t, lol

And I am soon getting more stuff for my sailor moon collection!
And my teacher, Mrs.Dugas is a total psycho so she yelled at me and my friends that we can't use backpacks which is retarted. So I plan on getting a sailor moon drawstring bag so its not a backpack, LOL.

If you know Mrs.Dugas you know this is true!

-kitteh kou

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Updates, Updates!

Hi, I am working on numerous projects!

I am working on a birthday poster which I NEEED to finish by friday which is only half done! Or I cannot go on a field trip which I get to stay in a dorm room! (more info soon!)

I am writing a sailor moon fanfic and a story with my friend! (Bunnalon) and my fanfic has no name! EEEEEK

And I am working on an audition for a movie and I am practicing my lines so I can nail it and get the part!!

I need to find traits that suit me from my chinese zodiac, astroligical zodiac, nativ american zodiac, and my numerical number zodiac! WHEW!!

SO, yeah IF i finish I get to stay at a college for two days with NO homework and I get to stay in a dorm room! exciting! well, to me. and i need to get working tomorrow!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hey there!

Hi, I joined blogger because I want to post about my life! Since this is my first post I think I should introduce myself!

My name's Matthew Pike but call me Kitteh!
I am obsessed with the twilight saga, sailor moon, and Looking Glass Wars!
BTW I am auditioning for LGW: The movie!! OMG!

I really like anime and manga. Also my favorite musical artists are:
Avril Lavigne, Paramore, Jonas Brothers, Linkin Park, Green Day, Miley Cyrus, HSM, Shinee, and others, lol

If you dont know me, i am always talking about twilight and sailor moon and LGW!

If you like any of those? Talk to me!

I will probably be making another blog for celebrity news! stay in tune!
